Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It's Over So Fast!

I will honor Christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it all the year.
-Charles Dickens The girls on Christmas Sunday! We started our Christmas celebrations on Monday morning with me taking Iza to the instacare. She has been coughing so hard that she vomits. I thought for sure she had something serious but it just turned out to be a cough. Family traditions have us eating a Christmas Eve Brunch with both mine and Brents families, followed by an afternoon movie. After the movie we went back to Brents mom (Nana's) house for the spoliage of gifts.
Nana surpised Isabelle with Dora Saves the Mermaid. She has been asking for this toy since September... Nana is an expert knitter and made us all hats and the girls scarves. Emma wore hers all day and even slept in it that night.
After the afternoon with Brents Mom, we rushed home to prepare dinner for Brent's Dad & Stepmom. They came over for a few hours and we had a nice time sharing food and gifts. We gave the kids a bath, packed up the car and headed to my moms house to sleep and wait for Santa... I just have to say that with both mine and Brent's parents being divorced, it is almost impossible to spend time with everyone during the holidays. We often feel like we are letting someone down, either us, our kids, or parents. Next year my hope is that we can simplify things and not feel so obligated to please!

Our fun began at 8:00! The girls slept in late and it was torture for me.

A doll house to share is Emma and Isabelle wanted the most. This toy kept them busy playing for hours. Every time we looked at Lucy Jane she had something in her mouth. Usually a polly pocket purse or a barbie shoe. She is like a little puppy always chewing on something. I can't wait for this phase to be over.
A trip to Italy! David surpised Maggie with a trip to where he served his mission. We were all a little misty eyed by this. It was so fun sharing Christmas mornign with these two and their dog Tilly!One of the reasons I married Brent was becase I new he would be good at dressing barbies! Sommer and Dave had to spend Christmas without their kids. That divorce thing again! A new pair of cycling shoes for me. I start training for a tri-athalon in January. I might not make it to the finnish line but I will have sweet shoes & peddles. Playing with toys the day after Christmas is my favorite part of the holiday. We don't have to go anywhere and I don't have to get out of my PJ's.I feel very blessed this year. We have more than we could ever really need and yet the Lord still continues to bless us with abundance. I am the most greatful for my family, The Gosple of Christ, and for the love that we have felt this time of year.


The Fox Den said...

It's looking great! It will be fun to see pics of the family even if you are close and thankfully we get to see you often! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas!

P.S. I always want to use Brent-ism's when I am writing mine and now I can! Even if you two and Nate are the only one's who get it! "It will be real, real nice."

Julie W said...

love the jammies