Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lucy's Baptism

My beautiful baby girl turned 8 in December and was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Saturday January 31, 2015. 

It was an exciting day for her and our family. She picked this dress out from the a few that I had bought to choose from. She liked that it looked like a snow princess dress. It fit her bubbly personality perfectly. 

She has been learning about what it means to be baptized. I try and explain what I can to her and answer questions. But, when it comes down to it,  I'm not sure it sinks in. It's kind of a big topic. The covenant of baptism is something that you learn and live the rest of you life. I understand it better (or differently) now than I did 5 years ago. Living The Gospel is always an ongoing learning experience. Little Lucy Jane is just getting started! My prayer for her is that she never stops learning. I pray she feels at home in the gospel. I pray that if she ever finds herself in a place where the Holy Ghost can't dwell, she will have learned what that feels like and know what she needs to do to get back. 

I love her at this age. I've loved her at every age. I get her. She makes sense to me. She is wonderful and worthy of every single beautiful gift that God has in store for her. Let's see what her life will bring!