We don't really allow sleepovers which saved m from having 12 girls spend the night but a late night was just as crazy. I set up a bed in the preschool and made it look like a bedroom. We had treats, games, and all the regular party stuff. I led the girls in a game of truth or dare, we asked the magic 8 ball some very deep questions, and topped it off with a trip down the street for some good old fashioned toilet papering. I'm officially the coolest of all the moms!
I think the goodie bags were a hit! Complements of Mr. Lloyd and his new fancy smanshy embroidery machine. Each bag came with a flashlight and a owl sleep mask (made by me) and some candy and junk.
They all had leftover TP after hitting the neighbors house so they thought they should TP my house. Seriously kids! What is the deal. You don't TP the part girls house! Sheesh!
I love love love how cute these sleep masks turned out!
Sunday was her real birthday. After church we went to the park for a rice crispy cake and some family gifts from us and Grandma and Grandpa.