Monday, February 14, 2011

80's flashback dance

we celebrated mr. lloyd's 40th birthday with a big 80's flashback dance. it was so much fun. we all dressed in our 80's best and danced the night away with our dear friends and family. mr. has been planning this night for years now. it was the best way to usher in this next phase of adulthood.

mr. was a very convincing michael jackson. i had no idea that he could dance so well. this is the first time in our marriage that we've danced together. crazy i know. {i guess we don't get out much.} but needless to say the man has moves on the dance floor. i was impressed. and although he played the michael part well, he managed to avoid grabbing his crotch while dancing. phew.
i have to say that 80's hair is very stressful. I was concerned all night that my bangs weren't big enough and that my hair was getting flat. i'm happy to report, thanks to aqua net, it made it through the night standing tall.

This is mr. lloyds 2nd michael jackson look.
We had a photo booth available for everyone to capture memories of the night. i love how our pictures tell a story...
Some of the guys...

me and erin. she helped me out so much preparing for the party. everyone needs a friend like her!
the girls at the party...
the shepherd family

craig, emily, & tyler
{that's what friends are for}

i thought melanie looked like she belonged on a roller derby team
cami & danny
ashley & sam
troy & daph
the antidote {an 80's tribute band} they played great!
the sweeting family
as is typical with me when hosting a party, i never seem to get in all the pictures i should. so, i would like to ask that if you have pictures of the night {& i know you do} send them to me.

it was a great night and mr. & i have the greatest friends and family. thanks for celebrating with us.

happy 40th birthday mr. lloyd

he's finally reached the top of the hill. knowing him, instead of going over it & down the other side, he'll find another hill to climb.

40 reasons I love mr. lloyd (in no particular order)

1. he always does more than his fair share
2. feeding him always makes him feel better when he is cranky
3. he knows that compassion and love are better than being right
4. he truly doesn't care what other people think. he just does what is right for him
5. he is teachable
6. he is a better teacher than most
7. he makes a mean taco
8. he puts the kids to bed at night with quality stories and songs
9. he scratches my back... i never have to scratch his
10. he is much more handsome at 40 than he was at 30
11. his shoe collection puts any woman's to shame
12. age is not a number to him
13. he makes up the most ridiculous songs and sings them in his best Cark W.. Griswald voice
14. he always lets me choose what movie we see
15. he is always up before the alarm clock sounds
16. he does whatever he sets his mind to
17. he makes no excuses for his shortcomings (the few he has)
18. he loves the lord
19. he provides
20. he lets me be right (even when i'm probably not)
21. it's never too cold to wear shorts
22. he looks pretty hot in a pair of bike shorts
23. after 10 years of marriage he still can't load the dishwasher
24. he gets obsessed over lost things. he can't function until they are found
25. lately, he wakes up more with baby henry than i do. he knows i need my sleep
26. it's so normal for him to be happy all the time
27. when it comes down to $$$ vs. happiness, he'll choose happiness
28. he loves and adores his kids. he's the dad every kid deserves and wants
29. he refuses to quit
30. he ALWAYS laughs at his own jokes {he's the funniest person he knows}
31. he's the only one i've ever seen get my grandma to laugh out loud
32. he gave me the most beautiful wonderful babies
33. he's not to manly to put on an apron and make us dinner
34. he never complains
35. he's not too hard to figure out
36. i don't have to vacuum before he comes home
37. he hides and becomes invisible when i'm cranky
38. he kisses me every morning before he leaves for work
39. i don't have to worry when he leaves his wedding ring at home on the bathroom sink.
40. no matter what... i know he'll be with me forever

what mr. lloyd probably doesn't realize is that without him, i would be lost. he makes me a better person. i love him more than any list could say. happy birthday to a wonderful man. my husband and my best friend.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine Cake Pops

I saw these tasty treats on cakepopsgalore and I had to try making them. My plan was for me and the girls to make them for the neighbors but I ended up doing it all because they were a little to tricky for small hands. You can find the recipe for cake pops just about anywhere online but I like this one.
Happy Valentines Day...


Lucy killed Piglet. Poor little pig. He'll be missed.