The last 3 weeks I have been dedicated and addicted to my new favorite toy. My bodybugg! It tracks how many calories I burn , {right now, post run, I'm burning 6.1 calories per minute}, how many steps I take, and how much physical activity I get in per day. I also have an account where I log my food and track how many calories I've eaten during the day. I have also set up goals where I am trying to lose 2 lbs per week which means I need to have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. I still have 20 post baby pounds that really don't want to leave.

I wish I could say that I have lost 6 lbs in my first 3 weeks. But I have not. If fact I have not lost any. Uggg! The first week I lost 3 lbs but have since replaced it with 3 lbs of muscle. I have stuck to my plan and am working my butt off. Even though the scale isn't my friend right now, I have lost inches and my body fat has gone down 3%. So I guess that is good news.
Today I ran my longest post baby run. 6 miles with no knee or hip pain. I felt great. My family is putting on the pressure to run a 1/2 marathon with them this spring. Now that my knee is feeling better I think I might join them after all.
I hope that I can report some good news on the weight loss matter soon. I go through this struggle every time I have a baby. I always think I can get back to "normal" sooner than I do. With the last 3 babies it took me an entire year. At this rate I'll be surprised if I make my year deadline. But I'm not about to give up. My mantra is ENERGY! I just keep reminding myself I have more than enough...