Saturday, January 22, 2011


The last 3 weeks I have been dedicated and addicted to my new favorite toy. My bodybugg! It tracks how many calories I burn , {right now, post run, I'm burning 6.1 calories per minute}, how many steps I take, and how much physical activity I get in per day. I also have an account where I log my food and track how many calories I've eaten during the day. I have also set up goals where I am trying to lose 2 lbs per week which means I need to have a 1000 calorie deficit each day. I still have 20 post baby pounds that really don't want to leave.

I wish I could say that I have lost 6 lbs in my first 3 weeks. But I have not. If fact I have not lost any. Uggg! The first week I lost 3 lbs but have since replaced it with 3 lbs of muscle. I have stuck to my plan and am working my butt off. Even though the scale isn't my friend right now, I have lost inches and my body fat has gone down 3%. So I guess that is good news.

Today I ran my longest post baby run. 6 miles with no knee or hip pain. I felt great. My family is putting on the pressure to run a 1/2 marathon with them this spring. Now that my knee is feeling better I think I might join them after all.
I hope that I can report some good news on the weight loss matter soon. I go through this struggle every time I have a baby. I always think I can get back to "normal" sooner than I do. With the last 3 babies it took me an entire year. At this rate I'll be surprised if I make my year deadline. But I'm not about to give up. My mantra is ENERGY! I just keep reminding myself I have more than enough...

Monday, January 17, 2011

7 months

Dear Henry,
My adorable baby boy....
Please stop growing.

Friday, January 14, 2011

One little word

This year I was inspired by Ali Edwards to choose "one little word" for my new year resolution. After reading about this idea it didn't take me very long to choose my word for the year. {It almost felt like the word chose me}

Energy pretty much sums up everything I want this year to be. I want to be a positive energy in EVERY part of my life.

My spiritual goals, physical goals, motherly goals, and my goals to serve those around me can all be traced to my energy. I believe that the more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have.

The energy of the mind is the essence of life.


I challenged Mr. Lloyd to find his word for the year as well. He has chosen Endure. Like my word, he said that this was a word that covers it all. If any of you have a word that speaks to you I would love to hear it.