I got the call to go into the hospital at 6:00 am for an induction. I had been dilated to an "almost 5" for 2 weeks and this call was the answer to end my suffering. Seriously though... It was a bitter sweet day. Even though I had felt pretty uncomfortable the last few weeks, I couldn't help feel very sad to end my 40 weeks of pregnancy knowing it would be my last. I'm one of those crazies who loves being pregnant. I'm 5 weeks postpartum today and I still feel like there is something missing. I sit here and wonder why I feel empty and then realize that it's because there is no movement inside. There's no big day to prepare for, no wondering what he'll look like, no unavoidable attention from strangers and family. So much is over and done. Sigh....
After I got the call, I told the nurse that I would be there at 7:00 and hung up the phone. It was baby time! But where oh where was Mr. Lloyd to share my excitement? Would you believe the man was 15 miles away on a bike ride? He had gotten up at 5:00 to get in an early morning ride and still wasn't back. I called him and told him to peddle fast or I would leave without him. So I got up and got dressed then got my 3 little girls up and dressed just in time for Mr. to come in dripping sweat through the door. We all got in the car, dropped the kids off at Nanna's house and made it to the hospital just after 7:00.
The first part of the morning went well. I was comfortable and really making the most of the experience. By 4:30 things were picking up and I decided to tell the nurse I was ready to have the baby. I requested that we have him at 4:42 and the nurse seemed to think I was kidding. 42 is mine and Brent's lucky number so I thought it would be a good time for him to be born. When my midwife showed up at 4:40 she told me to give a practice push which I did and almost landed the baby on the floor. She told me to stop pushing and wait a minute. When I finally was given the go ahead I pushed twice and Baby was born at 4:42 PM just like I asked. Brent was a great support while I labored (not that he had to do much) but I couldn't have done it without him.
Once baby was put in my arms I was in love. I loved him the minute I knew I was pregnant. I loved himthe minute he was born. Then I saw his face and fell in love some more. He was only a minute old but I knew I would die for him. Tears, kisses, and smiles were immediately showered on him. I think the first thing that I noticed about him was how much he looked like Emma followed by how big he was. Once the rest of the family showed up to meet him, the girls immediately began calling him Henry. I still wasn't sure if that was his name but they insisted and it felt right so that is what we named him.
The rest of our stay at the hospital wasn't what I had expected. I was hoping for rest and bonding time with Henry but instead he wasn't able to room with me because he had low blood sugar. Instead he had to be in the level 2 nursery to be monitored and have iv fluids. I was very upset about this and called my mom at 6:00 in the morning in tears. She showed up with Bob an hour later and had done the research about his condition to help me feel better. The worst part of the situation was having to walk down the hall every time he needed to be fed and sit in an uncomfortable chair to do it. The nurse had to check his blood every time before and after he ate. His poor little foot was poked every time. I was devastated. Mostly because I was exhausted, but also because I didn't know how serious the problem was. Of course things turned out okay and we were able to go home on time. I was able to get the rest I needed thanks to the wonderful Mr. Lloyd. He was on top of everything for the first week. I didn't lift a finger. By week two I felt better and was able to go back to being mom to the rest of my little ones.
Here are a few of Henry's first Pictures. Because he wasn't in the room with me, I wasn't able to get one of all of us together. Pictures were the last thing on my mind. I will have sweet memories of this amazing time forever.