Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Still here

I've sort of taken a back seat to the blogging business lately. I've been a bit to busy now that school is back in. But today my schedule is clear and other than clean house, I don't have much to do. Or at least nothing that is mandatory.

One thing that has kept me super busy this past month was planning a party for our church. It was a western themed party. We had amazing decorations (including an authentic outhouse ), square dancing, and wagon rides. I had an entire front porch brought in as our backdrop and most of the decorations were antiques from the 1800's.

I couldn't have been happier with the way it turned out. I was a bit of a basket case the last couple of weeks getting it all together.

This here is Art and Louanne. They are the people from where the props came. They were great to work with and so friendly. If any of you are in the party planning calling and want to put on a Western themed party, I recommend using them. contactus@ambiancelanterns.com