Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of School part 2

Thursday was Isabelle's first day of Kindergarten. I don't think there has ever been a little girl more excited to start school. Upon my insistence, I took her to the bus stop and like I did with Emma, met her at the school. Little miss independent could have cared less that I was there. In fact she seemed a bit annoyed. But that didn't stop me from taking pictures and getting all weepy and stuff. I miss her already. I love it that her backpack is bigger than she is. Maya, Taya, Brooke, & Isabelle
(They are all starting kindergarten together)Our neighbor Sam took charge of getting all the little girls off the bus. It makes me feel a little better knowing that the big sisters can be responsible in helping the little ones get the hang of things.
One more first day of school to go (preschool starts on Wednesday) and then we will really be in the swing of things. Back to school is great and all but I could have really used another month of summer.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

my girls

I could have the cutest little girls in all the world!

Soccer Season

Emma had her first game on Saturday. Her team is coached by Brent and Grandpa Steve. She played great and had a blast. Her team won their first game 3-1. She looked sooo much like her Aunt Kim on the field. If she follows in Kim's footsteps we'll have another amazing soccer player in the family.

Isabelle occupied her time by taking snap shots of all of us.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to school part 1

Such a sad day in the life of me. I don't like sending my kids away. Emma wanted to ride the bus but still have me meet her at school. So that is what we did. I put her on the bus, drove to the school, & met her at the flag pole. Then she ditched me! Whatever... I totally don't care... She said "Hi mom! Bye Mom!" and off she ran and I never saw her again. I should have known. 3rd graders can be sooo cruel.
At least I still have Isabelle to need me. She starts kindergarten next week. I'm hopping that she will still hold my hand and not be so heartless and ditch me at the flag pole.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Emma turns 8

Emma turned 8 last Thursday. We celebrated her big day with a "beach" party and invited her friends from school and church. it was such a fun day for her and her friends. I love seeing her so happy and having the time of her life. I really wanted the day to be special and for it to be a great memory. I only hope her memory doesn't linger on how cold it was outside. It wasn't the best day for a water party but the girls never complained, even when their lips turned blue.

One of Emma's Birthday wishes was for brunch at I HOP. So, we spent the morning eating out and then putting the decorations up for her party. It's GREAT to be 8!!! Emma's friends!
The water slide. We played a few games. Water limbo was a hit. The kids couldn't stop laughing at Lucy. She is still so short that she could walk under the stick but she would bend as far backwards as she could anyway. It was hilarious. Another one of Emma's birthday wishes was for Italian Sodas to be served at her party. She's been in love with these ever since our trip to Aunt Heathers house in June. The party kids were just as thrilled with them. I've realized that it's not the drink they love but the little umbrellas in the cups. I think Iza was feeling a bit jealous of all of Emma's attention.

I love having birthday parties but I hate that my kids are getting older. Now that Emma is 8, she will be baptized next month. I'm thrilled for her. She is excited about this and what it means for her. She seems so grown up now and it is killing me. I do love her so.
Happy Birthday!

On a side note... Emma's favorite gift was Bumpits. I'm so embarrassed that I actually bought this. I laughed and made so much fun of these when I saw them {even though I was secretly jealous that these weren't around in the 90's when I used to bump my own hair} But, she was infatuated by the commercial and talked about them constantly. So, I just couldn't resist when I ran across them at target. I have to admit, she did look cute with her new bumped up hair.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

slip & slide

Every Monday at Thanksgiving Point, they put together a family night for their members. The activity this week was a giant slip & slide. This year we {along with a bunch of our friends} bought a year pass so we could bring our kids to the gardens once a week to run around. The Family Night activities have been a great bonus. It has been well worth the $$. We love it there. With all the time we spend in the gardens, Emma & Isabelle are becoming quite the little botanists. If you've never been to the gardens, this month is $2 Tuesdays. It's so beautiful there. I totally recommend going out with your family.

enjoy the pics...