Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend fun

Friday I took the girls over to the sports park in our neighborhood for Foam Day. The fire department brought their trucks over and filled the park with fire retardant foam for the locals to play in. I wasn't sure how safe it would be {cancer causing agents and all} but went along with the rest of the neighbors anyway. The kiddos had fun but I wanted to puke the whole time. The smell was awful! Crazy thing though, I was the only one who could smell it. And no I'm not pregnant. Just a sensitive smeller. As soon as we got home I stuffed all three girls in the shower together and sprayed them down. I spent the rest of the afternoon dizzy and with the worst headache. Could the smell cause a brain tumor that fast? Oh the sacrifices of trying to be a fun mom. I won't be participating in this tradition next year.

Carly, Sam, Brooke, Emma, Iza

The Smell

Poor Lucy Jane. She face planted in the smell and spent the rest of the afternoon making hacking sounds.

...Later that day

we had a neighborhood party complete with a roasted pig
As I was still feeling the effects of the smell, I opted to go vegetarian for the night.

We have the most amazing neighborhood. Thanks to the Guercio's for hosting a perfect night. And thanks to the Shepherd's for letting us hang out in their kitchen til 2am playing games!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I saw this idea on my friend Jackie's blog. It took me all of 5 minutes to hop in the car with my last $10 of fun money to buy 8 cans of shaving cream. The kids were begging me to tell them what they were for. I told them that it was all part of my master plan to stay sane while Mr. Lloyd is away {5 more days to go}. Or maybe I'm going a bit insane. Either way, they had a blast!
I was a bit concerned if shaving cream would hurt the grass. But since we're having some sprinkler issues, most of the grass looks like crap anyway. As of now, we may not be the greenest grass on the street, but it's the cleanest.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bridal Veil Falls

Saturday was the day I was supposed to clean bathrooms, fold laundry, and wash windows. I didn't feel like it so... we took the kids and their friends here. It's been years since I've been. I nearly forgot how beautiful it is.
A couple people commented on how beautiful my girls were. I'm sure they assumed that all 5 were mine and I went ahead and let them. It felt good being the mother of 5 beauties for the day. Unless the next baby is twin girls, you can be sure it will never happen.

I hope Isabelle and Kaylen are the closest thing to twins I'll ever get.

tata for now...

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Traditions

Tradition has us waking up early on the 4th to get a prime spot for the Freedom Parade in Provo. We've been sitting in the same spot for the last 8 years. My family has been going to this parade every year (missing a few here or there) for as long as I can remember. I have some great childhood memories of this day. I love that this tradition keeps going and that my kids get to share the experience. If any of you think that parades are boring, you should sit with our group. We keep things "interesting". If you're curious how, come with us next year...

I got a little picture happy this year... enjoy!We got rained on a bit but I prefer a bit of rain over the heat. Mary KayAunt Sommer brought bubbles for the kids. They kept Lucy busy.Isabelle and Emma BelleMore bubble funLucy was sooo cute. She waved at everything.Emma, Trinity, Millie, & BridgerSuper Fan! Emma and BridgerAfter the parade, we went to my mom's house for a traditional 4th BBQ, water slides, and balloon fight. The kids played for hours and hours. Considering how early we woke them up and how much junk they ate, they were very well behaved all day. It was bliss. Trampoline fun

The kids (some of them anyway) Dave, Millie, Sommer, Emma, Bridger, & TrinityThe Fuchs FamilyUsSparklers and fire works in the backyard. We ended the day with root bear floats while we watched Pleasant Grove's fireworks in my mom's backyard. It was a great day!