Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh Baby!

Baby #4 will be here early June!

This has been a typical pregnancy for me so far. I'm feeling great and life is moving forward as normal. I'm excited for this baby. I know for sure that it will be my last one so I plan to enjoy every moment of the next 6 months. I'm secretly hoping for another girl. I love the girl thing we've got going at our house. But a little boy would be wonderful too! What do you think I'll have? Most of my friends think boy, I'm thinking girl, Brent is trying not to think about it.

On a side note... I've decided to go private with my blog. I would love for all of you (even you who never comment) to still check up on us. Please send me your e-mail in a comment and I will make sure to invite you to the blog.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Somehow this year I got away without hosting the family/neighborhood Halloween party. It was the most stress free Halloween I've had in years. My super sister Sommer had the bash at her house and planned everything. We just showed up and enjoyed the fun. My contribution to the party was giving out hot sauce, ketchup packets, and Kraft singles instead of candy to the older trick-or-treaters . I can just imagine their confusion when they get home and wonder what house stiffed them. hehehe! It was a great day. The kids had the best time and went to bed last night full of sweet dreams, a few new cavities, and memories of another great holiday.

Isabelle as the cute witch
Lucy as the little witchEmma as the snow princess Me as Little Red Riding Hood.
The dress was custom made for me by my sister Sommer... I made the cloak.
Nina as the ButtBrent as something dumb... not his best costume My mom as the Queen.Millie and Dave as the garden gnomes
The Party Games...
This is my step dad Bob Ross. He dressed up this year as Bob Ross the painter. I wanted my mom to dress up as a happy little tree or a happy little cloud. But she didn't want to.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Still here

I've sort of taken a back seat to the blogging business lately. I've been a bit to busy now that school is back in. But today my schedule is clear and other than clean house, I don't have much to do. Or at least nothing that is mandatory.

One thing that has kept me super busy this past month was planning a party for our church. It was a western themed party. We had amazing decorations (including an authentic outhouse ), square dancing, and wagon rides. I had an entire front porch brought in as our backdrop and most of the decorations were antiques from the 1800's.

I couldn't have been happier with the way it turned out. I was a bit of a basket case the last couple of weeks getting it all together.

This here is Art and Louanne. They are the people from where the props came. They were great to work with and so friendly. If any of you are in the party planning calling and want to put on a Western themed party, I recommend using them. contactus@ambiancelanterns.com

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Emma's Baptism

Emma was baptized by her dad on Saturday and was confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am so proud of her decision to enter into this covenant. Emma has an amazing spirit and has always tried to follow the Savior's example. She was very excited to finally be baptised. We had such a wonderful day with our family and friends who came to support her and show their love for her.

And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized:

Mark 10:39

Little children have a marvelous disposition to learn. They have total trust in their teacher, a pure spirit, and great humility—in other words, the same qualities which open the door to the Holy Spirit. He is the channel through whom we gain knowledge of the things of the Spirit. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:11)V>
Elder Gérald Caussé Of the Seventy

Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of School part 2

Thursday was Isabelle's first day of Kindergarten. I don't think there has ever been a little girl more excited to start school. Upon my insistence, I took her to the bus stop and like I did with Emma, met her at the school. Little miss independent could have cared less that I was there. In fact she seemed a bit annoyed. But that didn't stop me from taking pictures and getting all weepy and stuff. I miss her already. I love it that her backpack is bigger than she is. Maya, Taya, Brooke, & Isabelle
(They are all starting kindergarten together)Our neighbor Sam took charge of getting all the little girls off the bus. It makes me feel a little better knowing that the big sisters can be responsible in helping the little ones get the hang of things.
One more first day of school to go (preschool starts on Wednesday) and then we will really be in the swing of things. Back to school is great and all but I could have really used another month of summer.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

my girls

I could have the cutest little girls in all the world!

Soccer Season

Emma had her first game on Saturday. Her team is coached by Brent and Grandpa Steve. She played great and had a blast. Her team won their first game 3-1. She looked sooo much like her Aunt Kim on the field. If she follows in Kim's footsteps we'll have another amazing soccer player in the family.

Isabelle occupied her time by taking snap shots of all of us.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to school part 1

Such a sad day in the life of me. I don't like sending my kids away. Emma wanted to ride the bus but still have me meet her at school. So that is what we did. I put her on the bus, drove to the school, & met her at the flag pole. Then she ditched me! Whatever... I totally don't care... She said "Hi mom! Bye Mom!" and off she ran and I never saw her again. I should have known. 3rd graders can be sooo cruel.
At least I still have Isabelle to need me. She starts kindergarten next week. I'm hopping that she will still hold my hand and not be so heartless and ditch me at the flag pole.