For several months now I have had this nagging voice in my head that I should get rid of our TV. I've ignored this voice for a long time because
I LOVE TV and always have. I'm a self proclaimed TV aholic.
It's a great babysitter for the kids, it is a great pastime for me. I am totally hooked on Grey's Anatomy, LOST, Hero's,
CNN (just to name a few). But most of all, I am a DVR addict. I love the pause button, I love fast forwarding commercials, I love skipping around and back, I love to see things in slow mo, I love knowing that if I miss one of my shows on the night it airs, I can always watch it later. So here's the question. Why would I do something so crazy as getting rid of it? I don't quite know yet. All I know is that I've had a prompting to do it, so I'd better listen right??? It's a little thing called faith I guess.
So, yesterday I called Dish Network and canceled our service. The jerks didn't even give me a last day with the TV or a chance to really let my final decision sink in. They turned off the dish even before I hung up the phone. And on a Thursday of all days. Only the best night of the week for TV watching. Oh the tears that were shed. Not by me but by Emma and Isabelle. It was a very sad day for all of us. But when the girls had no TV after dinner they had a great time playing soccer inside with each other, Brent and I talked together, and I actually found the time to work out and read.

So, here is what I'm hoping will happen as a result of ditching TV.
1. More family time talking and playing
2. Less of the "world" in our home
3. More time to devote to scripture reading
4. More money saved for a rainy day
5. More time to spend developing talents
6. Less of the media's doom and gloom to panic me
7. More music to fill the quiet
7. A confirmation that I have done the right thing for my family
Just so you know, when I say we don't have TV, it's literal. We don't have an antenna so we only get fuzz and the Spanish channel. {Isabelle loves all things Spanish so she might actually be the one to watch this channel.} I'm confidentish that this decision is going to be a good thing for us. It will definitely force me to create some new habits and a new lifestyle. Wish us luck!