Monday, October 13, 2008

Breakfast in Bed

When Emma and Isabelle woke me up early Saturday morning with a big homemade breakfast, it took me a minute to process what the special occasion was. Did my birthday sneak up on me? Did I go to sleep in the fall and wake up to a springy Mothers Day? Am I recovering from surgery? Nope. Nothing like this. They just love me. With the help of the best Dad around, they made french toast and eggs (just the way I like them). Even though I love to sleep late on Saturday, I didn't mind at all having a early wake up to the best girls ever, my greatest blessings!
A card from Isabelle.
A card from Emma

A picture of me drawn by Emma. A spitting image if I do say so. (Those are shoulders in case you were wondering).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My terrible two

I'm talking about my two "twins". Isabelle and her BFF Kaylen. These two are inseparable and often times partners in crime. --- I just have to preface this post by saying that I love Kaylen like my own and love her friendship with Iza. These girls love each other like sisters and treat each other like the best friends they are. The best part of this friendship is that these two look like they could be twins. If I'm not paying close attention to them I can't tell them apart. I'll never forget the day they realized how identical they could look and switched clothes. This was the day that I sent Iza home and yelled at Kaylen. They both thought this was funny and since then have tried the old switch-a-roo again. Fool me once shame on me... I pay better attention now.
Well, yesterday these two decided to play beauty parlor. Off came inches of hair here and there. Erin (Kaylens mom) didn't notice at first but became suspicious when she saw the evidence of a haircut on the carpet and later found a big pile of hair hidden under the bed. Isabelle and Kaylen were very good at hiding their home made hair dos by cutting the underside of their hair. I didn't even notice until Erin called me early this morning to apologize. I found very quick what I hadn't seen the night before. Iza is sporting some pretty sweet bangs, new layers, and she almost has a bald spot in back. Poor Kaylen got the worst of it. she lopped off one side of her braid.I think she is going to have to get a pretty drastic makeover to fix it.

I don't know who's hair is who's but I think most of it is Kaylens
As punishment for this little stunt I've grounded them from playing together for the week. {This is much harder on me than it is on them.} Isabelle was in tears when I told her that now she and Kaylen won't look like twins. They will have different hair cuts for the first time ever.

These girls are usually very well behaved together. But I guess girls will be girls.

and they look so innocent...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Redneck DNA

Is it possible that my family's redneck ancestry is so dominate that my child can grow a mullet without any help from the local Fantastic Sams? Poor Lucy Jane... no matter how many hair cuts we give her, she always ends up growing a mullet. I hope this isn't a glimpse into what her future holds. But never the less, I will continue to take her to (as Brent calls it) the "beauty parlor" as many times as needed to save her from this well known "fashion don't".

The Mullet... yes it really is this bad.
You can thank The La Villa Salon for helping our redneck baby.

Goodbye mullet, we'll see you again in a few months.