Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I don't mean to offend any mom's out there who may be reading my blog. But if you happen to fall into the category of wearing "mom jeans", then please head over to The Gap and pick up a new pair of pants! If you don't know what mom jeans are, then watch this clip from SNL. It's so stinking funny!
Cut and paste this to your URL.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fashion Police

Mom- "Isabelle put on your shoes."
Isabelle - "I don't know where they are."
Mom- "They're upstairs in your room."
Isabelle- "I can't go all the way up there. I just got downstairs!"
Mom- "Here. Wear these ones." I handed her her brown tweed flats with the pink bow.
Isabelle- "MOM! I can't wear these! They're fall shoes and it's still Summer!"
Oh my! I've created a premature teenager!

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's HOT!

On Saturday I discovered how dangerous jalapenos peppers are. It's not a very good idea to play with one and then itch your eyes (obviously). I picked a pepper out of my garden and proceeded to play with it for a few minutes while I was talking with Brent and Kim. I sliced it open with my finger nail and pulled out the seeds. I tried to get Walter to eat it but he was smarter than that so I tossed it over the fence. A few minutes later I itched my right eye and well, you can imagine what happened next. It felt like lava hot eyelashes were stuck in my eye. I ran to the sink and stuck my head under the faucet and let cold water run through my eye. I washed my hands several times with soap and water. I laid down on my bed with a cold rag over my eye for a few minutes when I did something very stupid. My left eye was itchy so I itched it. There must have been more pepper juice left on my fingers because I totally blinded myself for the next two hours. I ruined my entire afternoon (which was supposed to be spent painting and finishing Isabelle's room). I think this is how a raper feels when he gets pepper sprayed. My neighbor suggested I teach an enrichment night on "how to make your own pepper spray". If I was a rape artist, I'd have no chance if I got hit by the stuff. I would have taken a picture of myself but I couldn't see to find my camera.