Thursday, August 28, 2008

Goodbye Old Friend

Last night I had to say goodbye to a dear old faithful friend. Jettadiah. My very first car. I fell in love with that car the moment I saw it. A bright red 1994 VW Jetta! I bought it in August 1998. 10 years ago this month (happy cariversary!) I was 19 years old and a few weeks away from starting my sophomore year at Southern Utah University. It was the perfect college car. I paid $9,000 for it and my monthly payment was a whopping $190 a month.
I'm a nerd for being so upset over selling the jetta. But really, it's not the car I'm sad about. It's more of me being sad over a time in my life that has passed on. A time that was absolutely amazing. That car was a symbol of my youth and freedom. It was a symbol of becoming an adult and learning responsibility. That little red car holds a decade worth of some of my most cherished memories:

Meeting and falling in love with Brent
The winter spent at Brian Head snowboarding
Trips to Cali, Vegas, Oregon
Moving back and forth from school to home during the Summer
Driving back and forth from home to Cedar City to see Brent during the Summer
Getting engaged and married
The Bear attack on Mt. Whitney!!!
Driving to the hospital to give birth to Emma
Moving to Colorado
Buying our first home
Buying our second home
on and on...

Every time I would move from one apartment to another during college, I would buckle my big pooh bear in the front seat. It would get a few laughs from other drivers on the road. It's been years since I've done this. Pooh now lives in Lucy's room.

I was always so happy to go on long road trips. I could sing at the top of my lungs with the Indigo girls or any other angry girl music that I had in my CD case. Now, I'm lucky if the kids will let me listen to talk radio. It's a mini van and Hannah Montana for me now.

Here is proof that I did let Brent drive my car once while we were dating. He says that I NEVER let him. Why should I have? It was my car! (Some things never change. I'm still the driver in this relationship.) And by the way Brent, quit your crying. Over the last 10 years you've gotten plenty of time behind the wheel. Geesh. I believe it was you who drove over 190,000 miles on it.

My roommates and I spent a lot of Saturdays driving to Brian Head to snowboard. Once we let Brent come with us. That year he was around so much he became one of the girls. Apparently I think I'm pretty cool. But I'm pretty sure I must have been a dork. Why else would I pose like that.

Thank you Joey for the great deco on my car. Yes, that's a condom that I'm holding. If only I had used it! Just kidding. Emma came many months later. Instead of heading straight to the honeymoon room, we stopped off at the car wash so the paint wouldn't get ruined.

I'm very aware that this is a long post. I just had to take a trip down memory lane for my own healing. It can be hard for me to move on. Buying that car has been one of the best decisions I've made. It's never had a single problem. If Brent had wanted to, I'm sure that we could have driven it for another five years. But we're moving on to bigger and better "things"... I guess. New memories and new adventures await!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Family Picture Day

Last weekend we went up to Little Cottonwood Canyon, with Brent's family, for family picture day. I took my own camera and Brent and I snapped a few pics of our own before the battery died. I haven't seen the professional ones yet but I was pleased with the way these ones turned out. It's not very often that I hop in the pictures with my kids. But on this rare occasion I was pimple free and not wearing "P.E." clothes so I figured why not!
I could very well have the worlds cutest girls!

My very own McDreamy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The First day of Second Grade

I get so nervous on the first day of school. I think it's harder for me than for Emma. What mom wants to see their kid cry into her breakfast so afraid that no one will sit with them at lunch? Such drama. But, since Emma's still young enough, I still get to take her to school and walk her to her class without her being embarrassed. I have to admit that I'm a bit of a mom stalker. After I dropped her off, I'm afraid I lingered around her class longer than I should have. I don't know what I was waiting to happen, but it never did, so I slowly went home. I'm getting better though. Last year when I decided to let her ride the bus, I did the unspeakable. I actually drove to the school to make sure she got on the right bus and then followed it on its route to our neighborhood. After about a week of tailing the big yellow beast, I felt like she had the hang of it and quit. Will this parenting thing ever get easier? In case you were wondering about her first day I think it went well. Of course little miss social didn't eat alone. She had plenty of friends for her to eat with. She likes her teacher and she didn't even pee her pants. (She was worried about this because of the stories I've told her about my second grade year. It wasn't my best.) So, one more year is on the way. Even though this parenting thing isn't getting easier on my nerves, it's sure going by way to fast for me. Can I just freeze time with my babies before they get any older?

Family swim

Last Monday we were invited to go to a surprise party for Brent's cousin. As you can see it was a pool party at this amazing backyard pool. I didn't go cuz I'm a nerd and wanted to finish reading my current book. I get so wrapped up in them it's hard for me to do anything else. If I'd known how awesome this pool was going to be I would have been more than happy to drop my book and join the rest of my family for some swimming.

This backyard pool rivals any I have ever seen. I really want one! I'll start saving now.
Emma has goggles that fit but she likes these ones the best.

Lucy and her grandma Marie

This pool has every thing... Brent, Emma and Lu. (I have no idea where Iza was this whole time because Brent didn't
take any pictures of her. Way to leave out the middle kid Dad!)You might have to do a double take on this picture. It's Emma and Craig. He looks just like Brent.

Outdoor Movie Night

Friday I hosted our 2nd annual back to school night outdoor movie. All the neighbors set up chairs and back up trucks for our home-made drive in movie. All Brent does is put a sheet on the garage and hook up the projector ... Instant fun. I chose The Smurfs for our preview movie and Alvin and the Chipmunks as the feature film. It was a perfect night. Just cool enough to need a warm blanket to cozy up in. It's become one of my favorite neighborhood traditions. One last night of Summer fun with the kids.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Emma

Seven years ago today at 10:42 am I gave birth to an 8 lb. 2 oz. baby girl. I had finally become a mother. This one event has changed my life and its meaning more than any other I will ever experience. Obviously I love all my girls equal, but I feel something very special about my first. Emma is my only child who has had me all to herself. For three years it was just the two of us. We did every thing together. I had never felt so much joy and unconditional love before. Those first years required me to grow and learn more than any others since. It was also in those first years that my testimony of our Heavenly Fathers love for us grew and became so firm. I can't think of any other way I could have understood the role of loving parent and child better. Seven years have gone by so quickly. It really makes me very sad. But, I love all the new experiences that we share. Happy Birthday Emmy! You are my sunshine!

Here are some pictures from Emma's seventh birthday...

I took Emma to Build a Bear Workshop with her two best friends. Megan and Isabelle.

We had lunch at the food court.

and later a little family dinner to celebrate and she got to open her presents.

It was a great day!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Domestic Diva

It's me. I'm the domestic diva! This last week I (with help) not only pickeda ton of apricots, but I also made jam, fruit leather, and canned over 20 quarts of apricots. I may be clueless in the kitchen on my own but with my talented mother-in-law taking me under her wing, I was able to domesticate myself and do what women for years and years have done. Store food for the winter. (I feel like such a grown up.) And it really didn't suck that bad either. Along with feeling some what sticky, I felt rather accomplished after it was all said and done. I think that this is something that I may be able to do on my own now and not completely and utterly fail. But, I can't totally celebrate my perceived accomplishment yet... we've yet to taste the final product and see if any of us die of salmonella poisoning.
Behold nature...

Mary Kay... the talent

My Mom... the lady who let us pick her tree for free.

Lucy Jane... the baby who took little bites out of a lot of apricots and put them back in the box

Emma and Iza... Partners in crime. They made about $10 selling bags of apricots to neighbors for $2 a bag. Emma pulled a wagon full of apricots and Iza pushed a stroller with stuffed animals and the money. It was the cutest thing ever. Emma's sales gimmick was this. "I'm selling apricots for $2 a bag or $1 if you don't want to pay $2." The best part was how they looked. They were all dirty with messy hair and wearing scroungy clothes. It was classic.

My three

Ahoy, the final product! Delicious. Can you guess what you're all getting for Christmas this year?