One of my Grandma's many talents is gardening. I'm afraid I bugged her all weekend with my endless gardening questions. I'd kill to have the space for such a garden.
All of the kids favorite pastime was this rope swing. I for one hated it. I couldn't help imagine the rope snapping in mid air and Emma sailing across the yard to her instant death.
Giddy up!
What a kid... Only my Iza would ride a horse in a sun dress in this day and age. Way to have style baby!
One of the highlights of our weekend was discovering what we think is a new species of creepy crawlies. To the touch this feels like a stick but it moved around into twisty shapes. Weird stuff. So Craig, I assured my family that if anyone would know what the heck this thing is you'd be the one.
This is my niece Emma Belle. This is my favorite picture of the weekend.
Lou dragged her blanket {AKA huggy} with her everywhere. It was black by the time we got home. The little kids left some art for Grandma just before we all went home.
Emma had a blast even though she said it burned her butt
I took a few kids with me on the way down for support cuz I was sort of scared. What can I say... it was a big hill.
My two little posers. Isabelle and Kaylen-- BFF.