Monday, March 31, 2008

Which heroine are you?

I am Elizabeth Bennet!

Take the Quiz here!

I am a huge Jane Austen fan. So much that I named two of my girls from her books. The only people that I know who love Austen as much as me are my brother in law Craig and his adorable wife Emily. Maybe they should name their next kid Mr. Darcey.
I sort of thought I would be either Elizabeth Bennet or Elinor Dashwood. They are the most sensible and reliable characters. However the younger me would have identified more with Emma or Marianne Dashwood. Totally social, romantic and boy crazy. Funny how growing up changes a person.

Another sick day!

Just over a year ago we rushed our 2 month old Lucy to the hospital because she wasn't breathing well. She had a terrible case of R.S.V. Thursday night I thought we would have a repeat of the same adventure when Lucy seemed to be gasping for air. Luckily it wasn't as bad as I thought. Her doctor doesn't know if she has asthma or if she just has a bad cold. Either way we were sent home and instructed to give her breathing treatments about three times a day. We use a nebulizer that mists her medicine to her face where she breathes it in.
She seems to enjoy this today. She usually screams. She is knows there is a camera

One year ago in the hospital.